5th grade was good.I ster 1,000 cooksss stre yarte. No metew larefwcy.Mom strredd catyhfdtrfh .I atetrfggcbb. I fatesd 2 staar.No mrs.m.fall.
Author Archives: lwhite1
Clivil war
Clara barton was born on christmas dayin 1821 in Massa chusetts.
Sad and frustrated,clara moved to washington, D.C.
With her own money clara bought medicine,bandages,and food.
Clara was one of the most admired women of the civil war .When caring for wounded so ldiers after the Battle of antietam a doctoh called her”angel of the battle field”.
In 1881,clara founded the American Red Cross.She worked hard helping victims of wars and natural disasters until her death on April 12,1912.
Girl Scouts Cookies
In 2014 I sold cookies for the Girl Scouts .I sold more then 200 boxes of cookies, and I won second place for selling the most cookies. I received fifteen prizes. My favorite prize was the money. With the money I bought a Girl Scout cookie flag and a pen.
This year, 2015 my goal is to be in first place for selling Girl Scout cookies. The same girl always wins, but this year I am going to sell the most cookies.
Gulf Chatterpix
My Little Pony
I ♥ my little pony. I ♥ my little pony apps and, games.
I ♥ my little pony books and, music. I ♥ my little pony
movies and TV.
Dwarf Red Plain Coreopsis
The Dwarf Red Plain Coreopsis’ scientific name is Coreopsis tinctoria. Its classification is Asteraceae. This flower grows in the southwestern united states along roadsides, meadows, and flower gardens. It blooms from April to August.
Plant range from 1 to 2 feet tall. The flowers areabeawt:ful
red color.